
I have written for The Canberra Times, the main newspaper in Canberra, Australia’s national capital, for 30 years on a huge range of topics, but mainly legal and constitutional. I was Editor for seven years.

For about two decades, I handled the paper’s defamation work, was responsible for the selection of the letters to the editor and wrote too many editorials to count.

I have contributed to both Federal and Australian Capital Territory parliamentary inquiries on defamation and freedom of speech.

I now teach journalism at the University of Canberra; write a weekly column for The Canberra Times; write the editorial matter for allhomes.com.au; contribute to other publications and appear intermittently on ABC radio and television; do occasional consultancy work (including website design and creation) and occasional public speaking.

I am author of “The High Court of Australia 1903-2003” and “Canberra – Australia’s National Capital”.

I have been on the National Board of Directors of Barnardos, the children’s welfare charity since 2004 and chair since 2007.

2011 — appointed to Australian Bureau of Statistics governance advisory panel for measuring Australia’s progress.

Sports: scuba diving, skiing, kayaking/canoeing, squash.

Born 1951


BA Australian National University 1972
LlB (Hons) Australian National University 1977


1972: Cadetship – The Canberra Times
1973: Graded journalist
1973 to 1983: Sub-editor, Parliamentary Sub-Editor, Foreign News Editor.
1983: Commonwealth Press Union Fellow. Three-month program in UK, including secondment to The Belfast Telegraph.
1983: Sunday Editor The Canberra Times
1985 to 1992: Editor – The Canberra Times
1992 to 1995: Writer, columnist, The Canberra Times
1995 to 2002: Deputy Editor.
1990-1997: Australian Political Correspondent for The Press, Christchurch, New Zealand.
2002-present: Lecturer in Journalism University of Canberra.

Legal professional:

Admitted as Barrister and Solicitor 1977.
Publications: Tomorrow’s Law (Ed: Selby) Federation Press. 1995. Section on Press Freedom.
1990-91: Contributor to defamation law reform process to State Attorneys-General (1990-91) and Australian Capital Territory Law Reform Committee (1990-91, 1997).
1995: Consultant Australian Law Reform Commission reference on Australian Federal Police and National Crime Authority complaints and discipline systems.
1997: Member ethics committee Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies.
1997: Chair of ACT Attorney-General’s Advisory Group on On-Line Services.
2004: Board member Barnardos Australia.
2007: Chair National Board Barnardos Australia.
2009: Member Board of the Australian Capital Territory Cultural Facilities Corporation.

7 thoughts on “About”

  1. Maybe in today’s article on Christian schools you could have mentioned that parents of these children pay taxes, same as parents in public schools. Sending your child to a school where they learn respect is a choice, usually an expensive one. You forgot to mention that independent schools also get Government funding. Your article is very narrow minded one sided article. No, I don’t have children in a private school, but all parents should be able to make a choice.

  2. Your article on the Voice should have covered the Yes and the No case.

    The only media organisation covering both is Skynews and the Murdoch Press.

    The Canberra Times must lift its game. Your readers want to hear both sides of the case.

  3. Great to see someone of your stature willing to directly support MMT especially it’s key components (I) add money directly into the economy when it needs it and (ii) government guaranteed full employment at decent income levels. As a Melbourne Uni trained economist and retired labour market specialist with a 50 year career in more than 30 countries, I am convinced that MMT can be configured to get both the immediate best outcome and lead to a much better economic outcome in the long term through emphasis on distribution of greater income equity.
    Please keep the good sense.

  4. No argument with your main case, but I thought I should correct you on one observation.

    In 1983 Ninian Stephen didn’t send Fraser away to provide more detailed reasons for a double dissolution, he sent the PM away because the GG had to satisfy himself that the conditions required by the constitution had been met.

    He would have sent him away in any case but, because, in a display of arrogance and bad manners, the PM had not told GH that he was coming, he couldn’t deal with the problem straight away. The first we knew about Fraser coming (I was an ADC) was when his security chase car realised he was not stopping at the Lodge for lunch but heading in the direction of Yarralumla. They phoned the police at our gate and we rushed to deal with him when he arrived at about 1220. The complication was that the Polish Ambassador and his wife were due in 5 minutes for their welcome lunch. So that had to proceed after the PM had left and the GG couldn’t review the situation until they had gone.

    Of course Fraser had thought he could take advantage of Labor being in caucus for the spill with the accompanying prospect of blood on the floor. The irony is that if the PM had had the good manners to call for an appointment, he would have been given one for 1400 – by which time Labor had sorted themselves out, Hawke was there all hearts and flowers and Fraser might have had the sense to realise that he would be better off seeing how good Hawke was as Leader.
    I have long used this story as an example of the way that good manners and consideration for others do matter! (Oh, and don’t forget that the drought broke a few weeks after the election.)

  5. Crispin your article in Canberra times Saturday so hits the nail on the head, painful waiting for the prime minister to actually show leadership.
    you just spelt it out for him to read. thank you

  6. Mr Hull, I read your column in the Border Mail (Albury) this morning regarding mr Scott Morrison. Everything you said I agree with 100%. I think the man is an idiot regards.

  7. Isaacs, 19 December 2019

    Dear Crispin, just a note to congratulate you on your Canberra Times article last Tuesday entitled: “Cooking books on school billions’ – well researched, rigorous arguments and sadly, just SO relevant to Australia’s present governing cohort of Federal Politicians. What a revelation it proved to be!
    I’m probably guilty of confirmation bias, but your comments resonated comprehensively with my own impressions of private vs public education (both Primary and Secondary), and conjured up recollections of C.P. Snow’s ‘Two Cultures’. I fear Australia is a perfect manifestation of social distinctions that have become increasingly consolidated over recent decades. Please keep up your good work! Sincerely, Paul K

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