PM’s non-policy is making Australia worse

IN A week when population has been a big-ticket policy item, I am going to ask you to make a guess given these facts. In 1788, Australia’s population was about 200,000, all Indigenous, except for a few First Fleeters. In 2018, 220 years later, the population was 24 million and growing at the rate, according to the ABS, of 1.82 per cent a year. If that rate continues, what will Australia’s population be in 2238, just 220 more years later?

Will it just double (given it is double the number of years) to 46 million? Or guess another figure.

Continue reading “PM’s non-policy is making Australia worse”

Pollies, media misunderstand population mood


Prime Minister Scott Morrison said he understood voter concern over congestion. But very little has changed. Rather, Morrison and the major parties, including the Greens, do not understand population pressure as polling this week revealed.

A Newspoll revealed that 80 per cent of NSW voters want the population to either fall or remain as it is. Only 16 per cent want it to increase.

Not only do politicians refuse to get the message that people do not want the population to grow. The Murdoch press also refuses to get the message. The Australian newspaper, which commissions Newspoll, ran a headline opposite to what the poll showed. It read “Most happy to keep population growth rates at current level”. No they are not. They do not want any population growth at all, let alone at the astonishingly high rate it is now.

Continue reading “Pollies, media misunderstand population mood”

Abbott , Western civilisation and carbon

IN THE week that former Prime Minister Tony Abbott called for Australia to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change, it is worth reminding readers that legs of lamb can be bought in Whyalla for under $100. Indeed, this week you can click and collect a 1.8kg leg at Coles Whyalla for $16.20. Continue reading “Abbott , Western civilisation and carbon”

Road toll lesson on Pacific Highway

I have just had the misfortune to drive the Pacific Highway north of Sydney to Ballina. It is the most dangerous road in NSW, according to the NRMA.

At the time of driving double demerit points were in place. Hitherto, I have always been on the “don’t speed” side of the argument about speed cameras being revenue raisers. But there are some wider questions. Continue reading “Road toll lesson on Pacific Highway”

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