Wealth to the already wealthy

Here we go again, yet a couple more subtle quiet shifts of wealth to the already wealthy away from middle- and low-income people.

The process can be seen with several announcements in the past week or so: the Reserve Bank’s decision to lift interest rates yet again; the interest cost of government debt to be $122 billion over the next five years; and the finding that in its last year the Coalition Government spent $21 billion on consultancies.

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Threat to Albanese Government

The Albanese Labor Government has just sown the seeds of its own defeat unless it changes course on one key issue.

The past week or so was busy and productive for the Government. It announced half a dozen excellent policies, all but one of them essential steps in reversing the almost-decade-long stupor of Coalition Governments which allowed Australia to become a two-tier society: property-owning, high-income, or high-wealth people and the rest.

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Murdoch cases: best to do nothing

The disappointment – especially among people in the media – at the settlement of the defamation action between Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News and Dominion Voting Systems was almost audible. 

Murdoch has just bought his way out of accountability, they wailed. When will he ever be brought to account?

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Australia’s two-tier society

There has been a fair bit of commentary in the past fortnight or so about inequality in Australia with good research by the Australia Institute, the Grattan Institute, Anglicare, the ABS, and the ATO itself among others.

They rightly tell us tax breaks go to the already well-off, but do reveal how truly insidious the fundamentals of the whole government benefits system are.

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Noalition invites Labor action

The NSW election and the Ashton by-election make it clear that Australians are fed up with ideology, donor-pandering, and political point-scoring and want their governments to do stuff and fix stuff.

The federal government should do itself a couple of favours. One, make the transition to electric vehicles a top economic and national-security matter and the other is to take the obvious steps to reverse the housing crisis.

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Why renters are being done over

Australia’s rental and property market in general are in a dreadful mess, according to a research paper published last week by property companies PEXA and Longview.

Their prognosis is that it can only get worse unless something is done. The system is certainly not working for tenants, but, they argue, it is not very good for owners either.

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We must ask: where’s the money coming from

The appropriately named RN nuclear sub, HMS Ambush

Not far from the beautiful yachts and powered gin palaces on the Cairns Marina are a number of boat broker’s offices. In the back room of one, away from the glazed eyes of the clientele, is a sign put up for the eyes of the staff only. It reads: We Sell Nightmares to Dreamers.

I wonder if there is such a sign, or if not, the thought behind it, at the shipbuilders yards that construct nuclear submarines in in the US and Britain.

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New wars different results

Journalists fall into the same trap as generals and politicians: they view the present war with blinkers imposed by the experience of past wars.

This has coloured the reaction to the Albanese Government daring to change tax arrangements on superannuation. There would be a major voter backlash, virtually every commentator argued. The horses would be frightened. Where would the slippery slope end, argued the Opposition – Labor will tax ordinary Australians to the hilt.

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